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VoiceShift Support
Contact Information

o you have any suggestions, issues, or questions about the app? Please get in via email at:

Frequently Asked Questions


In-App Purchases

If you have an issue with in-app purchases for the Pathways, please get in touch with us using the email above.


iOS Support

VoiceShift supports a minimum operating system version of 16.0 onwards.

Microphone Access

VoiceShift requires access to your microphone if you want to use the pitch monitor and pitch detector. Everything is managed from within your phone and is not sent to any of our servers.

Occasionally an error may show that the microphone cannot be started/accessed. This may be due to other apps locking the audio device on the phone. You can either:

Close other apps such as chat apps that are using the microphone while you are actively on a call

Closing VoiceShift (not backgrounding) and then opening it again to see if the issue is resolved.


If you are still having issues please contact us using the email above.


This document was last updated on January 30, 2024

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